
Angry Professor

seoca 2020. 10. 19. 18:49


Solution in Javascript I

const k = 3;
const a = [-1, -3, 4, 2];

function angryProfessor(k, a) {
    const p = a.filter(v => v < 1).length < k ? 'YES' : 'NO'
    return p;

angryProfessor(k, a);


1. To filter elements which are less than 1, use filter()

2. length() is used to get the number of the elements.


for loop 와 if 를 사용하는 것보다 내장 함수들을 사용하자. 






Solution in Javascript II

const k = 4;
const a = [-1, -3, -4, 2];

function angryProfessor(k, a) {
    const p = a.reduce((target, time) => { //reduce 의 callback function.
        return time < 1 ? ++target : target; //++target ???? -> target이 결국 0이니까...
    }, 0) >= k ? 'NO' : 'YES'; //0 은 뭐야? -> reduce 에는 callback function 과 initial value가 들어간다.
    //initial value is '0'


angryProfessor(k, a);


