Collection framework - HashMap

seoca 2019. 7. 23. 07:18





  • HashMap is not thread-safe which allows you faster speed than HashTable.
  • HashMap doesn't allow insertion order. *Use LinkedHashMap to preserve the fixed order.
  • key doesn't allow duplicate key, but for value, duplication is allowed.




put() - key, value map에 입력

get() - key를 전달해야 그 key의 value가 반환된다. 

remove() - 해당 key의 key와 value 삭제




Example Code

import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] fruit = {"apple""banana""cherry"};
        Map<Integer,String> hash = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < fruit.length; i++) {
            hash.put(i,fruit[i]); //auto-boxing
        System.out.println(hash.get(0)); //kiwi
        System.out.println(hash.get(1)); //banana
        System.out.println(hash.get(2)); //cherry
        System.out.println(hash.get(0)); //null