티스토리 뷰


Grading Students

seoca 2020. 8. 22. 21:55




Solution in JavaScript

const grades = [73, 67, 38, 33];

function gradingStudents(grade) {
    for (let i = 0; i < grade.length; i++) {
        if (grade[i] >= 38) {
            if (grade[i] % 5 === 3) {
                grade[i] += 2
            } else if (grade[i] % 5 === 4) {
                grade[i] += 1

    return grade;

console.log(gradingStudents(grades)); //[ 75, 67, 40, 33 ]








Grading Students | HackerRank

Round student grades according to Sam's rules.



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