티스토리 뷰

Creating Spring Boot application with IntelliJ

1. File - New - Project

2. Choose Spring Initializr

3. Choose Type as Gradle Project


- it is a build automation system, dependency management tool. no need to download dependencies and add it to the classpath.

- It creates a starter project. you don't need to create all the individual files yourself.

semantic versioning

- 0(major version).0(minor version ).1(patch version (fixed bugs))

Packaging (file name extension after compiling)

Jar - (Java Archive) It contains libraries, resources etc needed to run an application.

War - (Web Application Archive) It contains Web application which can be executed inside an application server.

4. Choose all the dependencies 

JPA - Java Persistence API

- Let you connect to a relational database and let you provide JPA configuration on your entity classes.


- a relational database management system




- Java HTML5/XML template engine that can work both in web and non-web environments.

5. Change the Project name as you want

6. Choose Use auto-import and OK

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