티스토리 뷰

 address stands for 

Media Access Control Address

What's the difference between IP address and MAC address?

MAC addresses are assigned at the time that hardware is manufactured and it is changeable, but It's generally used without any change. For this reason, MAC addresses are treated permanent address. Whereas, IP addresses are assigned as part of connecting to a network and It is easily changeable. 

MAC address is the way to reliably identify specific devices on the network.

Changing a MAC address

In Terminal, type the below command in a single line to check the current MAC address on your computer.

ifconfig en0 | grep ether

Now you can see your MAC address. 

To change the address, type the following command below.

sudo ifconfig en0 ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx  

You need to replace xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx to new MAC address you want to change.     

Again, type ifconfig en0 | grep ether to check whether it's changed correctly

You can simply change your MAC address using a spoofing tool such as LinkLiar app 




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